Monday, June 15, 2009

:::Gail:::Garden Status

Ok, so we were off to a great start on Saturday and we will plan to meet

 Sat June 20 from 7-10 AM again

 for another community work day. 


We decided:

1)       Where to put the compost, garden saint shrine.

2)       What the charge basis per plot will be (Gail is working on the calculations) and some plots were chosen. 

3)       That we want a ramada on the property with a bulleting board

4)       The Casa Paloma and Barrio Anita community plots were selected. The BA community plot will be the plot that anyone can plant in, harvest from.  The other plots are proprietary as folks are paying ‘rent’ for them.  

5)       We decided that the plot rentals will run for several consecutive months, guided by planting seasons in the desert. Like October- May and May to October, or something close.

6)       Kent and Diane, Susan and Andy, Lynn and Josie, Gail and Billy will share plots. 

7)       A portion of the Casa Paloma plot will be used as a demonstration plot; folks can see the what steps are taken and can reproduce them in their own plots—excavating out the garden plot, using the soil to raise the walkways, the layering of paper, compost, manure and straw etc.

8)       Billy and Gail (WE NEED OTHER VOLUNTEERS FOR NEXT SATURDAY) will pick up manure next sat morning so it will be on the lot and available as folks get their plots ready.

9)       We discussed the pros and cons of harvesting street run off and put a plan in to place to implement water this way.

10)   We discussed the possibility of creating an art space project on the vertical wall that form the benches at the north and west sides of the garden and the 8 walls that form the raised beds. We want feed back on this!  Perhaps this is something that the kids at Oury Park programs can be involved with—We could ask for mural idea submissions. There are a lot of potential mural spaces, like 14 or something!

11)   We also discussed how to secure the gates; a combination lock with the combo given to participants was the best idea so far.  Once we get the lock in place then we can start bringing supplies to the property to store them.


OK this is what we need to you do IN ADDITION to coming out on Saturday


We need pallets to construct the compost bins. We need 7-10

We need newspaper for layering in the beds

We need railroad spikes to created an art installation

We need volunteers to help Gail and Billy pick up manure

We need you to keep an eye out for scrap lumber to use for the garden shed.

We want to build a ramanda, so we are looking for scrap or logs for the uprights


Please spread the word, do a drive by and see the progress, and come out Saturday! 

Our email is


Ok—bring your shovels, stay in touch—let me know if you have other ideas/concerns.





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