Saturday, June 27, 2009

::Gail Update::

Hi Neighbors!

Please stop by the garden and see the progress!! And don’t’ forget to come on Saturday to talk, learn and dream about your own garden plot.

Saturday June 20 was another really successful garden work day! Ten or eleven neighbors and friends showed up. We now have 3 beds prepared with sheet mulching/composting. Thanks to Billy and Gail two big truck loads of manure were delivered, Kent and Diane donated gypsum and straw, Susan and Andy donated water, Casa Paloma donated juice! Thank you all.

We are meeting again Saturday June 27 from 7-11 am. Our goal this week is to complete 2 more beds with sheet mulching and build the compost bins. Susan and Andy have 2 more truck loads of compost…. We will be unloading these Saturday morning and preparing the final two beds.

We recently meet with Casa Paloma to discuss our plans and to strategize on further development of the site as we wait to hear on the grant funding. Due to the non-denominational status of Primavera, we will not be able to establish a “shrine; rather we will designate a “contemplation corner”

We are getting key copies made, but in the mean time if you are just dying to get in there and work contact Susan or Andy. They have a set of keys.

Paul at Oury Park is excited to be involved with the planning of an art installation on the vertical surfaced of the raised beds. We will work together with him once his fall teen and senior classes start.

All for now!! We are waiting for the rain!!



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