Friday, October 9, 2009

           THE WEEKLY DIRT 

Tierra Anita Weekly update issue 1

September 9, 2009

Tierra Anita Weekly update issue 1September 9, 2009


Hey Gardeners here is the ‘weekly dirt’


The Garden is Green!!


Saturday morning Kent and Diane spearheaded sheet mulching in the ‘future-orchard-bed” located in the northeast corner of the garden.  Also joining Saturday’s efforts were Elva, Jenny (Primavera), and Gail.  Andy and Susan did another supply run for tools.  We had a short impromptu meeting to share information, progress and address some concerns.  Below is a summary-if I left something out, please bring it up:


  1. The 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month will be for community work parties.  When needed, the first 30 minutes of a work party day will be devoted to a structured meeting.  We will keep a record of what occurs at the meetings, similar to what we have done in the past, primarily to fulfill our obligation to the grant.  If there are any topics, concerns or pressing issues that you want to bring to the group for discussion, please notify me, either in email or person and they will be added to the agenda.  We did not have a calendar with us when we decided 2nd and 4th  Saturdays—Saturday 10th is the second Sat.
  2. We talked about creating a master map of the garden plants. This will facilitate education about the medicinal herbs /plants and help us keep track of the non-proprietary plants that are donated  Elva will ask Julie to make some copies of the plot map, blow them up and folks can pencil in what they are planting.  Once the shed is in place we can display a master map there.  One suggestion is to use a white board
  3.  The need for outreach to the neighborhood.  Susan will make a flyer to circulate in the neighborhood advertising Tierra Anita and our mission.  This is to help guarantee that all neighbors know about Tierra Anita and the opportunity that exists, as well as the availability of plots.  Gail will find out from David V. how many copies to make (based on the BANA mailing list.).
  4. Kent is ready to schedule a composting workshop for sometime in the next month.
  5. We decided to set a temporary fee per plot until we have a better idea of the water bill.  For the time being the fee will be $1.00/per sprinkler hear/month.  This MAY change depending on water usage in the future, particularly during the hottest month.  Fees will start for October.  Primavera’s plot is exempt.  What we did not discuss is how or if to assess the community plot. 
  6. Andy (who has the “in” with the Opera) will be the recipient of a donation to include materials for a 5x8 shed.  More information will be forthcoming as details are revealed. 
  7. Our mid-term report to Pro neighborhoods covering activities up to Oct 31 is due mid November.  All board members (this all of you) please write a paragraph summary of your contributions from the time we were awarded to now.  Please submit your paragraphs to Gail ( and Susan (XXXX) by Oct 21.  A subcommittee will work on the report.  In your narrative, please also include your in kind donation, your volunteer hours (to include shopping, or hauling manure, gathering pallets, etc. or any materials donated) Please be detailed in your summary.
  8. Invite Judith to our next Saturday work party.
  9. All of us are going to be on the look out for activities or event that will fulfill our community outreach requirement.  This could include providing garden tours, workshops, children’s art projects, meetings with other community garden developers.



We are ready to move forward with the mural component in the garden.  Paul has identified 3 artists to work with the children /senior’s program at Oury. 


In the bin:

  • Lynn is organizing a children’s art day workshop to create small (~ 1.5 x 3.5”) plackets for the various plants and trees around the garden. If you would like signs in your plot, please email Lynn ( or (520-360-8715) with a list of plant names, and the kids will make some for you.  This project is looking for donations of scrap wood dowels and paint (please contact Lynn).  She will send out more information as this project takes shape.


  • We are discovering that small mesquite trees are sprouting all over the garden; one of the perks of the manure.  Diane has suggested that we pot them.  In the near future we will have small trees to sell.


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