Friday, July 24, 2009

Tierra Anita Update

Hello Gardeners!

Wow! KVOA did a great story last week on the garden and it is so great they included us on their "Making a Difference" segment!!

 I'm really proud of everyone and the efforts they are making to make this program a success.

Last week we accomplished a lot! 

Compost bins are up and running. 
Please remember to collect your unwanted kitchen scraps for the compost. i.e. coffee grounds egg shells and vegetable scraps.

::Native Seed SEARCH:: has donated thousands of seeds. 

 Please see Lynn or Susan for use for your plot.  Many folks have gone ahead and planted and combined with the monsoon rain, we have melon  growing  along with tepary beans, basil, sweet corn, sorghum, squash and amaranth.!!

The kids also started a Pumpkin Patch in the Northwest corner of the garden so hopefully by Halloween we can have some pumpkin pie, or pumpkin bread and the kids can decorate their Pumpkins.

The next community work day is Saturday July 25th, 7-11. We would love to help any one needs more help in their plots.

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